California State University will soon offer admission to all qualified applicants

On June 19, 2017, the Mercury News reported, “California State University will soon offer admission to all qualified applicants.” Here’s an excerpt:

Students who qualify for admission to California State University will soon get an acceptance letter from at least one of the system’s 23 campuses. …

Under the state’s new budget deal, qualified California students who don’t get into their campus of choice will be admitted to another campus with space. The change is modeled after the University of California’s policy. UC promises admission to students who rank in the top 9 percent of graduates in the state. …

The assemblyman acknowledged funding constraints present a challenge, but said the newest budget includes more money for CSU to enroll more students. CSU has until next May to come up with a policy.

“We will engage faculty and administrative leadership to determine how we can best move forward to implement these directives that are intended to better serve Californians,” CSU Chancellor Timothy White said in a statement Monday morning.

Read the complete article on the Mercury News website.